Saturday, October 19, 2019

Asians are racist

I've had a lot of negative experience with Asians from my jobs.

Situation 1:

There's some Asian girl hanging out at the door looking like she's about to sneak in. I ask her what's going on, and in a thick accent she said "I waiting for... friend"

Then I hear a loud black girl shouting "PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SNEAK INTO A THEATER!"

Black people are better than Asians. If I posted  this on FB, I'd get another block.

Fuck asians.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Political Memes

I recently rage-quit the "Libertarian Party" Facebook page because of the constant use of memes. They weren't even good ones. It wasn't even a picture of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, or Friedrich Hayek along with a relevant quote.

It was just that generic "raptor" meme claiming "taxation is theft". It's quotes like that that make some Libertarians frustrating. When someone starts going on and on about the "non-aggression principle" and "taxation is theft" instead of being open to ways to increasing liberty for all... it's hard to work with them.

People love to say things like "a picture is worth 1,000 words" but that's not the case anymore. Sure, if you take an amazing shot that adage still stands. But I don't think "Actual Advice Mallard" or "Bad Luck Brian" are worth much of anything these days.

I wish people were more interested in reading actual political theories instead of just simplified quotations and sound bites. I've been running this blog since 2004 (off and on, mostly off), and I refuse to spam people with cliched memes. I'm here to write about what I want.

I will throw my vote away for Gary Johnson, much like I proudly did in 2012. Of the candidates, I like Joe Biden and Rand Paul. Most of the others make me uncomfortable. I also think Obama did a decent job over his two terms. His legacy I feel will be similar to Dwight Eisenhower. They both were the "steady hand behind the till".

And if I could I would vote for Rachel Mills should she run for any office. That's all, folks. Memes are for the weak-minded. If you post a picture, make sure it's an actual photograph, not another dinosaur or kid with braces.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Gary Johnson would get my vote.

That is, pending his Libertarian nomination. He's pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-marijuana legalization, pro-online gambling... yet he doesn't come with all the 19th century economic policies of Ron Paul.

I don't understand why Ron Paul appeals to people more than Gary Johnson. I guess it's name recognition and a more rabid fan-base. But pragmatically, Gary Johnson would be the best libertarian choice. He doesn't go to the extreme philosophical libertarian viewpoints, arguing that bestiality or owning nuclear warheads should be legal based on the "non-aggression principle" and a very stretched interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

His views come from what makes sense financially , and being freer both economically and socially is the answer to that. Ultimately, the libertarian party should appeal to those who wish to have less government intervention than we do currently, without a purity test to see how "free" you can go before you're considered a libertarian.

I fear that the LP may end up putting up another anti-immigration bonehead who just happens to say the right words to appeal to them. But if Gary Johnson were the nominee, I would vote for him over Barack Obama. People love to paint me as some Obama fanatic, but I like him for different reasons than a lot of others do.

A lot of people seemed to expect him to be the answer to all their liberal prayers, but he's really just center-left in our country, or center-right in most other democracies.

I am really beginning to sense that Obama's election is inevitable with the way the Republicans are attacking each other, and even if it's a close election, my vote for Gary Johnson in Cauliflornia (state name changed in honor of Ahhnold) wouldn't make a difference.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rumors of Obama's death are much exaggerated.

Some like to describe Obama as in a "tailspin" currently, with rapidly falling poll numbers. However, that is not the case. Depending on which poll collection site you choose to chart-watch with (Pollster or Real Clear Politics), Obama has either declined slightly or increased slightly in his approval rating. Even so, poll numbers are very volatile, and depending on the success of his health care plan on achieving its goal of expanding coverage while lowering the cost burden to families and the general health of the economy, his numbers could go up or down sharply from now. Most people do not understand that the president has little to do with the economy. The best a president to ensure economic growth can do is interfere little with the economy in terms of raising taxes or utilizing tariffs and subsidies.

Obama, so far, has done okay in this regard. I do not see the stimulus so much as a bad thing. I feel that it may just help an already recovering economy recover faster than it would have without such a bill. Whether that is worth the money they spent on it is up for debate. I personally see Obama's numbers remaining stable, and trending upward over the next year as the economy improves and the average person gives him credit for things he did not do, and does not give him credit for things he did.

I will make the folloowing proclamation: On January 13, 2011, Obama's average approval rating will be 53 approve, and 45 disapprove, with Rasmussen, of course, claiming Obama is tied at approve and disapprove based on their bogus calculations that always differ about 10-15 points from the pack. It seems suspicious that they are always more pessimsitic than the rest of the pollsters when it comes to predicting Obama's numbers.

I have no real formula or methodology behind this post... it's just an educated guess.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Obama's Consistent Job Approval

While experiencing a slight decline in recent weeks, Obama's job approval has hovered around 60% since March and doesn't show much of a sign of changing. I don't see any reason for this to change soon, since the nation is rather polarized. I suppose it all depends on the success of the stimulus and his healthcare plan. Only time will tell. The honeymoon period is over as the 65-70% rates are gone, but Obama remains somewhat popular.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

9 days, but I'm mad now!

Nine days until President Obama. I am excited ,and I expect a stock surge. Maybe I'm just predicting there.

I really enjoyed this election. I was always on FiveThirtyEight and RCP, analyzing the polls. I was confident Obama would win, and thank God he did, or else I would be insane and whiny.

I wish the news were more unbiased though. Just report the news, less opinion. But I guess you can't report 24 hours without some sort of discussion. I just wish said discussions were more balanced.

I'm optimistic on the economy as well. I think we'll be back to positive GDP growth by the summer. No depression.