Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Stop the recounts! STOP THEM.

I've heard about all these recounts going on. Why? The election wasn't even that close. It was a matter of more than 100,000 votes. If it was within hundreds or a few thousands either way then yes I understand the need for a recount with all the possible problems with the machines. But I don't think it's close enough to give reason to all these random recounts.

I believe Bush definetely stole 2000. Whether he meant to I am not sure, but thousands of jews would never vote for Pat Buchanan. But it wasn't nearly as close this time and hard-line Dems are screaming about another stolen election. I wish they'd get over it and work for getting someone good out there to oppose Bush's heir in 2008 instead of living in the fucking past.

It's time to move on and try to make things better. Hell, start right now with local races and governor races... and 2006 with the House and the Senate. THE FUTURE IS BETTER THAN THE PAST.