Sunday, October 26, 2008

I forgot one more great American on our side.


If every candidate from 1932 to 1976 would have been on our side, what now bitches?

We're all "in the tank" for Obama except a few white supremacists/borderline white supremacists like Ron Paul.

The whole flat tax/fair tax thing is trying to stop the income tax.

Obama's proposing the negative income tax. Which is one of the most "Free market" ways we help the poor. We as in the world. Even Bush. Bush knows Obama is the next president. You can see it in what he says about Colin Powell and on MLK day etc.

We should be proud of Bush more than McCain. It's not that we're Bush, it's that McCain is not like Bush on good things either, such as Bush has never been a racist and really is one of the Goldwater Conservatives.

And CC Goldwater is much prettier than Palin!

The Capitalist Revolution

In America we're about to have a great capitalist revolution of innovation.

Here's what's stopping us.

The kind of people that made fun of me for being a retard my whole life.

This revolution is coming from the bottom up and it is not forcing any "Hate speech" laws.

America is just coming back to the time when we all wanted the greatest good for the greatest number.

But because I play World of Warcraft, I am a faggot and can't stand up for my country becauseI don't have a gun. Didn't know that, Hitler 2.0!!!!!

Anyone voting McCain should now be asked to reason it. Even Knights of Columbus are breaking rights. Fuck yes.

WWMD (What Would MIlton Do?)

Most people who invoke the name Milton Friedman do not know anything about him or what he represented. Calling the Right, the Religious Right "Milton Friedman" is like calling the left Karl Marx.

It's more accurate to call the US Center (aka Barack Obama) Milton Friedman, the Religion Right christofascism, and Naomi Klein the nutsy left who doesn't realize that economists are on Obama's side too.

Yet Naomi Klein like many Americans think Milton Friedman was some mastermind behind Bush.

That is wrong.

Even his son, who is more anarcho-capitalist than he ever was, prefers Obama. Friedman believed in a smaller government.

Back in the early 60s, all the free world had a principle called utilitarianism as opposed to communism. "Greed" was good to Friedman, not because he wanted Joe the Plumber telling Obama not to take his money, but because he felt that the free market was the most effcient and most moral alocation of goods.

He is probably right.

He woud like Barack Obama. He would right now be part of Obama's crack economic team helping them with their "Soft Paternalism."

Soft Paternalism is basically the idea that people are idiots and need incentives to do the right thing. So that means instead of tariffs, he gives job credits if they stay in the US. That's not far "leftist."

The Religious Right has become a fascist people. Sarah Palin doesn't care about the poor because she thinks she is going to heaven no matter what.

Neo-con + Christian = Christofascist.

Vote the party of Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, and Richard Nixon, and John F Kennedy, and every president before "Ronnie Raygun."

The New Democrats.

Ronnie Raygun was a fucking retard who started us into Christofascism.

Milton Friedman = Barack Obama. He would 100% be like "McCain is a fucking idiot, this is not the Republican party I remember. They don't know what they are talking about anymore. Everything Obama says is stuff I support, but no one seems to know it."

I'm saying it for him.

I am sorry if your Lolbertarians want to be John Galt, but there is room for compassion in government! Keynes too would be on the side of Friedman. They'd have more in common with each other than McCain has with either of them

They would call him a corporate nazi, the plutocrat he is

Friday, October 24, 2008

I should be on MSNBC

I am objective and biased. I can go on there with my annoying smirk. I say the exact things in my blog that the people on their shows say!

Anyway, I have a theory about Matt Drudge.

He is not biased, but he is an idiot.

He is the Joe The Plumber of the Media. A Libertarian who thinks that we need to repeal the 16th amendment and replace it with the "FairTax," a rather Lolbertarian idea.

I offer FairTaxers another solution. Negative Income Tax. Look up US history. We are at a new time and we can try to propose this idea as economists. A new intellectual youth is coming.

I am 23 and I am told I am "indoctrinated" for pointing out facts I learned on Wikipedia by some of these people.

Matt Drudge hates both candidates. The belief is that one of McCain's people leaked to Drudge to get this fake story out, and it backfired in a major way. I think Matt Drudge knew it was fake the whole time.

But besides that, I just want a president that I personally could talk to for three hours about economics.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Obama 2012 Landslide.

This is assuming that his presidency is a success, and he is able to fulfill most of his promises and turn the economy around.

I gave him every state he's predicted to win now, every state that Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996, and also Indiana and North Dakota, which are considered toss ups this year.

He would win 455-83.

I think that's a little much. I think Southern Democrats, the ones who loved Clinton and Gore because they were both from the South, might finally go for Obama if his first four years are a success.

Of course, it also depends on who the Republicans pick in 2012. If they run a Southerner against Obama/Biden, the South (but perhaps not Virginia and North Carolina) will remain Republican.

If they go the fiscal conservative route (someone like Romney) and realize the social conservatives are an insane minority, the South will be more competitive.

Here are the states that will probably be going Obama in 2012 but McCain in 2008: (If Obama does a good job)

Arizona - They are becoming more liberal, and the only realize they are Solid McCain is he is a respected senator in the state. Without the home state advantage, Arizona will probably go to Obama in four years.

West Virginia - They voted for Clinton in 1992/96, and it's a toss up this year, though it looks like McCain will pull it off.

Indiana - Another close state that will probably go for McCain, but depending on the success
of Obama's first four years, it will go for Obama.

North Dakota/Montana - Two close races this year that would go to Obama if he does well.

Georgia - Not as close as the other states listed, but they'd probably still switch over if Obama did well.

The South in general tends to be swayed more by the economy (and Southerners on the ticket.)

The Southern states that went with Clinton could go for Obama by 2012.

Even Texas is possible but not likely. They tend to vote for Texans over anything. There's been a Bush on the ticket every election but one from 1980 to 2004, but in 1976, 1968, 1964, and 1960, they went with the Democrats.

Reasonably for 2012, I predict something around the level of Bush-Dukakis. I also am optimistic for Obama's presidency. If he does well enough it could be the level of Reagan-Carter.

I think the bottom for Obama is probably Kerry's situation or a bit worse. I am very optimistic he will be around for 8 years. The Republicans are split into many factions and they have to reorganize. That's going to take more than 4 years.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ned now showers more than he posts. hasn't posted one of his blogs for about three weeks. So therefore, I can now say he is showering more ofthen than he posts his blog. A rare and impressive feat.

He's been proven wrong. He kept insisting McCain would win, and once McCain held a two-point lead a week after the RNC, he was excited and gloating.

Then the market crashed, and McCain struck out with his "suspended" campaign. And Obama has a 7 to 8 point average lead, and InTrade has him around 80%. FiveThirtyEight predicts him the winner 95% of the time. This includes a trend that will make the election tighter.

And the last 1000 simulations have Obama winning 99.9% of the time based on current state polls.

So basically, Obama is our next president, whether the 22 year old basement dwelling Republicans want it or not.