I recently rage-quit the "Libertarian Party" Facebook page because of the constant use of memes. They weren't even good ones. It wasn't even a picture of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, or Friedrich Hayek along with a relevant quote.
It was just that generic "raptor" meme claiming "taxation is theft". It's quotes like that that make some Libertarians frustrating. When someone starts going on and on about the "non-aggression principle" and "taxation is theft" instead of being open to ways to increasing liberty for all... it's hard to work with them.
People love to say things like "a picture is worth 1,000 words" but that's not the case anymore. Sure, if you take an amazing shot that adage still stands. But I don't think "Actual Advice Mallard" or "Bad Luck Brian" are worth much of anything these days.
I wish people were more interested in reading actual political theories instead of just simplified quotations and sound bites. I've been running this blog since 2004 (off and on, mostly off), and I refuse to spam people with cliched memes. I'm here to write about what I want.
I will throw my vote away for Gary Johnson, much like I proudly did in 2012. Of the candidates, I like Joe Biden and Rand Paul. Most of the others make me uncomfortable. I also think Obama did a decent job over his two terms. His legacy I feel will be similar to Dwight Eisenhower. They both were the "steady hand behind the till".
And if I could I would vote for Rachel Mills should she run for any office. That's all, folks. Memes are for the weak-minded. If you post a picture, make sure it's an actual photograph, not another dinosaur or kid with braces.