Saturday, November 06, 2004

A Country Divided

Today we are a divided country. It's 140 years after the Civil War, but there still is a culture war between the North and South. Eleven states have now banned same-sex marriage. Even liberal Oregon and Michigan. I've never understood the underlying logic of banning gay marriage. It's not harming anyone, and something that doesn't harm others and gives two people happiness should be allowed in my opinion.

Some of these gay marriage bans even ban civil unions. I really don't get it. I mean, it's one thing if there is an issue with the word "marriage" but I REALLY can't get people banning civil unions too. That's just rampant homophobia. These same people banning gay marriage also rant about gays spreading AIDS and being promiscuous. Well, wouldn't homosexual couples getting married lower the risk of AIDS because they would be in monogamous relationships? Hmm, something to think about!

Eh. I've just lived in a liberal bubble my whole life, so the level of intolerance exhibited by those in other states comes as a shock to me. Even my conservative friends support civil unions.

Even the President does. There's no real difference between Bush and Kerry on this issue, yet the voters that chose "moral values" as their main reason for voting for their candidate heavily voted for Bush. Yet there's not much of a difference between the two on the gay marriage subject.

The Right did a good job painting Kerry as an extreme liberal. He's really just center-left, I would say. More left than Clinton but not a raving extremist of any variety.

Well that's all for tonight. Stay tuned!

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