Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ned now showers more than he posts. hasn't posted one of his blogs for about three weeks. So therefore, I can now say he is showering more ofthen than he posts his blog. A rare and impressive feat.

He's been proven wrong. He kept insisting McCain would win, and once McCain held a two-point lead a week after the RNC, he was excited and gloating.

Then the market crashed, and McCain struck out with his "suspended" campaign. And Obama has a 7 to 8 point average lead, and InTrade has him around 80%. FiveThirtyEight predicts him the winner 95% of the time. This includes a trend that will make the election tighter.

And the last 1000 simulations have Obama winning 99.9% of the time based on current state polls.

So basically, Obama is our next president, whether the 22 year old basement dwelling Republicans want it or not.


Jose Alvarez said...

Be nice to Cetin, Levis.

Jesse said...

Lose some weight.